botany of DESIGN
Design in Conversation with Nature
Would you like to make your home and garden more resilient?
Are you considering growing more of your own food?
Have you thought about creating a food forest?
Would you like to save water?
Do you need help building healthy soil?
Would you like to take the first step to living in a way that minimizes your climate impact?
Do you need help preparing for an emergency?
Do you need help making your home and garden more energy efficient?
Permaculture Design is a practical approach to resilient, functional and beautiful design.
Design is the first signal in human intention. In Permaculture Design, we focus on 15 Principles:
Spend time in your space in protracted observation.
Work with natural systems rather than imposing upon nature.
Understand patterns to guide details.
Assess the three dimensions of your space.
Consider the dimension of time.
Mind the edges.
Design for abundance.
Reuse on-site resources.
The problem informs the solution.
Waste is a resource.
The least change brings the greatest effect.
Plan for redundancy and diversity.
Focus on element relationality. Integrate rather than segregate.
Creatively use and respond to change.
We invite you to contact us now to work with our Certified Permaculture Designers.ners to create a design for your home and gardens to be more resilient, functional, and beautiful.